Publications and Conferences

Publications | Selected recent peer-reviewed publications.

* Links to access Dr. White’s grants and PDFs of peer-reviewed publications at /ResearchGate, /Google Scholar, and ORCID.

Conferences | We attend the following scientific meetings, and we often present our recent and in-press findings at these meetings.

Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT)

Annual meeting, November 17–20, 2022, New York, NY

American Psychosomatic Society (APS)

Annual meeting, March 23–26, 2022, Long Beach, CA

Society for Behavioral Medicine

Annual meeting, April 06–09 2022, Baltimore, MD

American Psychology Association (APA), Division 05, Quantitative Methods, and Division 38, Society for Health Psychology

the HARP lab

Kamila White, PhD
Director, HARP lab | Associate Professor and Licensed Clinical Psychologist

University of Missouri, St. Louis
Department of Psychological Sciences | St. Louis, Missouri, USA 63121